Author Biography

10 Most Renowned Japanese Author Of All Time

10 Most Renowned Japanese Author Of All Time

Here I am going to inform you about some most renowned Japanese authors or writers of all time. Japan is well known around the world for its authors and writers. They introduce the world to many popular novels, stories, books, and so many other writings.

Different types of films in various periods were adapted from these novels. In this article, I will inform you about these popular and world-famous writers. So if you want to know about it, then continue scrolling this page.

Some Most Renowned Japanese Authors Of All Time

Japan is a very precious place in the writing segment. Because it is the birthplace of the world’s first novel. The Tale of Genji is known as the world’s first novel written by Murasaki Shikibu, a Japanese writer. Three Japanese authors had won the Noble Prize in Literature.

There have been so many writers who had written so many popular novels and books. Now we will discuss these popular Japanese authors of all time who had created a big role in the writing sector. So stay with me if you are interested.

Most Renowned Japanese Author-Fumiko Enchi

Fumiko Enchi

Fumiko Enchi

Fumiko Enchi was one of the most eminent women writers in Japan in the Showa period. She was born on 2 October 1905 in Asakusa district in the downtown of Tokyo. Kazutoshi Ueda was a distinguished Tokyo Imperial University philologist, and linguist and Fumiko Enchi was his daughter. She belonged to a low-income family so that she could not attend classes in school regularly.

She taught English, French, and Chinese literature from her private tutors because her father decided to keep her home. Only 4 years during 1918-1922, she attended the girls’ middle school of Japan Women’s University. One-act stage play Birthplace was the first work in her career in 1926 published in Kabuki’s literary journal.

In 1930, she married Yoshimatsu Enchi, a journalist with the Tokyo Nichi Nichi Shimbun. At the age of 81, she died on 12 November 1986 and rested in peace in Yanaka Cemetery, Tokyo, Japan.

Most Renowned Japanese Author-Yoko Ogawa

Yoko Ogawa

Yoko Ogawa

The date was March 30, 1962. A child was born in Okayama, Okayama Prefecture. She was none other than Yoko Ogawa. In the afterlife, she becomes a famous Novelist, short story writer, and essayist. She completed her graduation from Waseda University. She lived with her husband and son in Ashiya, Hyōgo. Ogawa has published more than fifty works of fiction and nonfiction since 1988.

Masahiko Fujiwara was a mathematician, and with him, Ogawa co-authored “An Introduction to the World’s Most Elegant Mathematics” in 2006. In her lifetime, she gained so many honorable awards like Kaien literary Prize, Akutagawa Prize, Yomiuri Prize, Izumi Kyōka Prize, Tanizaki Prize, Shirley Jackson Award, Independent Foreign Fiction Prize, American Book Award, and so on. The notable prize that she gained was the Akutagawa Prize in 1990.

Most Renowned Japanese Author- Haruki Murakami

Haruki Murakami

Haruki Murakami

Haruki Murakami is a Japanese famous Novelist, short story writer, essayist, and translator. This popular writer was born on January 12, 1949, in Fushimi-Ku, Kyoto, Japan. In Japan and internationally all over the world, his books and stories have been bestsellers. He got so much popularity that her writings have been translated into 50 languages.

Haruki Murakami’s father was the son of a Buddhist priest, and his mother was the daughter of an Osaka merchant. They both knew Japanese literature. At the age of 29, Haruki Murakami started his writing career by writing fiction. By watching a baseball game, he was inspired to write his first novel named Hear the Wind Sing in 1979.

Haruki Murakami wrote his first novel in ten-month. He wrote this novel at night after working days at a bar. he also gained many awards for his awesome writings. If you are interested in keeping in touch with the living legend; then check his official website:

Most Renowned Japanese Author- Hiromi Kawakami

Hiromi Kawakami

Hiromi Kawakami

Hiromi Kawakami is widely known as a top-class novelist in Japan. In 1958, this famous writer was born in Tokyo, Japan, and grew up in the Tokaido neighborhood of Suginami City. Hiromi Kawakami is well-known for her off-beat fiction, poetry, and literary criticism.

In 1980, she finished her graduation from Ochanomizu Women’s College; after graduation, she started her writing career. NW-SF is a Japanese science fiction magazine, and Hiromi Kawakami started her writing career by writing and editing for this magazine. Her first short story named “Sho-shimoku” appeared in that magazine in 1980.

Hiromi Kawakami became a housewife after relocating her husband’s work. Akutagawa Prize, Tanizaki Prize, Yomiuri Prize, Izumi Kyōka Prize for Literature, and MEXT Art Encouragement Award are the notable gained awards of Hiromi Kawakami.

Most Renowned Japanese Author- Yukio Mishima

Yukio Mishima

Yukio Mishima

Yukio Mishima was one of the most important Japanese authors of the 20th century, poet, playwright, actor, model, nationalist, and founder of the Tatenokai. He was full of different types of talents.

This talented writer was born on January 14, 1925, in Nagasumi-Cho 2-chome, Yotsuya-Ku, Tokyo City, Japan. In 1968, he also got Nobel Prize in Literature. It was the biggest achievement of his life. But this award went to his countryman and benefactor Yasunari Kawabata.

Some of Yukio Mishima’s popular novels are Confessions of a Mask, The Temple of the Golden Pavilion, and an autobiographical essay named “Sun and Steel.” The first name of Yukio Mishima was Kimitake Hiraoka, and the presence of his grandmother dominated his early childhood.

Mishima was admitted to the Peers’ School in Tokyo at the age of six. This great writer died on November 25, 1970, at 45 in JGSDF Camp Ichigaya Ichigaya Honmura-chō, Shinjuku, Tokyo, Japan. Seppuku was the reason for his death and rested in peace in Tama Cemetery, Tokyo.

Most Renowned Japanese Author - Sei Shonagon

Sei Shonagon

Sei Shonagon

Sei Shonagon was a famous Japanese author, poet, and court lady of the middle Heian period. In that time, she served Empress Teishi around the year 1000. Sei Shonagon was born in c. 966. her main occupation was Lady-in-waiting to Empress Teishi.

The pillow book is one of the most famous writing novels. Sei Shonagon was not her actual name. The name also knew her of Kiyohara Nagiko. Sei Shonagon, this name was taken from a court office belonging to her father or husband, and this was the custom among aristocrats in those days.

Sei Shonagon’s father’s name was Kiyohara no Motosuke, a scholar and well-known waka poet who worked as a provincial official. We can not find any more details about Sei Shonagon’s life after the year 1017. Sei Shonagon retired between 1001 and 1010.

Most Renowned Japanese Author - Shusaku Endo

Shusaku Endo

Shusaku Endo

Shusaku Endo is a Japanese writer who was born in Tokyo in 1923. He wrote from the rare perspective of a Japanese Roman Catholic. The silence was the most popular writing novel from which a Japanese film was adapted in 2016. Martin Scorsese directed this film. Shusaku Endo wrote Silence novel in 1966.

After the divorce of Shusaku Endo’s parents in 1933, his family moved to Dalian, a part of the Kwantung Leased Territory in Manchuria. In 1934, at the age of 11-12 of Endo, he was baptized as a Catholic. In 1943, he started his study at Keio University, but it was interrupted by the war.

For the stated purpose of studying medicine, he attended Waseda University. He gained so many awards for his writings. This popular writer died at the age of 73 on September 29, 1996, in Tokyo, Japan.

Most Renowned Japanese Author- Keigo Higashino

Keigo Higashino

Keigo Higashino

We all know the Japanese popular writer named Keigo Higashino for his mystery novels. Keigo Higashino was born in Ikuno-Ku, Osaka, Osaka Prefecture, Japan, on February 4, 1958. Higashino has so many popular books and novels about twenty that adapted into films and TV series.

Keigo Higashino belonged to a lower-class family and grew up in a working-class area. So that his childhood was challenging. Keigo Higashino started his writing career from his high school and university life by showing his manuscripts to friends.

He married a high school teacher after starting work as an engineer at Nippon Denso Co in 1981. Then he continued his writing career by writing in the evening and weekend. Naoko is one of the best notable writing novels among his writings.

Most Renowned Japanese Author - Mieko Kawakami

Mieko Kawakami

Mieko Kawakami

Mieko Kawakami is a Japanese famous Fiction, poetry, short story writer. She was born in Osaka, Japan, on August 29, 1976. She had won so many respectable awards for her awesome writings.

In these awards, the 138th Akutagawa Prize for her novella named Chichi ran, the 2013 Tanizaki Prize for her short story collection Ai no Yume to ka, and the 2008 Nakahara Chūya Prize for Contemporary Poetry for Sentan de are more honorable.

Mieko Kawakami first started working as a bar hostess and bookstore clerk, and after that, she started singing. Three albums and three singles as Kawakami released a singer. But in 2006, she skipped her singing career and focused on writing.

Kawakami was also known in Japan primarily as a blogger before winning the Akutagawa Prize in 2008. In his writing, he added experimental and poetic language into her short stories and novels. She described her writing as “ceaselessly growing and evolving.”

Most Renowned Japanese Author- Yasunari Kawabata

Yasunari Kawabata

Yasunari Kawabata

Mainly Yasunari Kawabata was a Japanese novelist and short story writer. On 11 June 1899, this famous writer was born in Osaka, Japan, into a well-established family. This famous novelist won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1968, and he was the first Japanese writer who win this honorable award.

Yasunari Kawabata was orphaned, and so that he lived with his grandparents. Kawabata had an elder sister, but she died at the age of only 11. Unfortunately, His grandmother died at the age of Kawabata’s 7 in 1906, and his grandfather died at the age of only 15 in 1914.

Then he moved to his mother’s family. After completing graduation, Yasunari started his writing career by writing short stories. His writing period was from 1924 to 1972. On 16 April 1972, he died at the age of 72 in Zushi, Kanagawa, Japan.

Enough for today. In this article, I have mentioned some Most Renowned Japanese Author Of All Time and their biography. I completed this article by taking some help from a valuable website. I always tried to provide you with the best and right information.

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Lincoln Adkins
Hi, I'm Lincoln. I'm a student and a content writer. I have a lot of interest in Japanese tradition and history. So, whenever I learn something new about Japan; I try my best to share that with you. I Hope, any mistakes are forgivable!

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