Book Review

Goodbye, Things: The New Japanese Minimalism By Fumio Sasaki

Goodbye, Things: The New Japanese Minimalism By Fumio Sasaki

Goodbye, Things: The New Japanese Minimalism by Fumio Sasaki is one of the best lifestyle teaching books I’ve ever read. Our lives are messed up with unnecessary things, unnecessary works, and unimportant stuff. We forgot to accomplish and recognize truly important tasks. We forgot to care about things that were truly important to us.

A messed-up life needs to be organized again to gain energy. Organizing a life can be started with minimalism. I hope you have heard about this word before. If you haven’t, then in today’s article, I will explain the word and the book about the word minimalism. The book I have to review today is Goodbye, Things: The New Japanese Minimalism.

Fumio Sasaki wrote this book. The author is a minimalist; his life was also messed up like normal guys in today’s generation. But minimalism remarkably helped him. In this article, I’ll try to summarize the book. I’ll try to go a bit deeper into the book and give you a hint about the book.

Author Fumio Sasaki’s Wiki

The Author, Fumio Sasaki, is a Japanese writer, editor, and minimalist. The author was born in 1979 in Japan. Fumio Sasaki is the former co-editor in chief of Japan’s Wani Books, and also he is a co-founder of the website Minimal & ism.

He is a minimalist and also an organizing guru like Mari Kondo. He was like a normal guy who used to stay stressed about his life. Until one day, when he decided to change by minimalizing his life, the author says that he gained true freedom, and the effect of minimalism was remarkable in his life.

In his book Goodbye, Things: The New Japanese Minimalism, he shared his experience about minimalism. Fumio Sasaki lives in a 215-square-foot apartment in Tokyo, furnished with a small wooden box, a desk, and a roll-up futon pad.

Have You Read Goodbye, Things: The New Japanese Minimalism Book?

This book has a very tiny similarity with another Japanese book, The Life‑Changing Magic of Tidying Up, that I’ve recently reviewed here. But this book is a bit different. This is a more psychological book that teaches us the importance of minimalism in our life.

This book says us to be authentic and genuine with our things. Do not be overwhelmed with things that we do not need in our life. The true definition of minimalism is a bit hard to explain. The book has a clear vision to it. But I’ll try to explain a bit to you.

Goodbye, Things: The New Japanese Minimalism

Goodbye, Things: The New Japanese Minimalism

Minimalism does not mean removing the TV, washing machine, or unused oven. Minimalism also does not mean spending less money. Minimalism is also not a goal to pursue. Minimalism is a method to live a life with things that are truly important to you.

The approach to living a minimalistic life can be different for you and others. This book has many ideas and philosophies about how minimalism will impact our daily life and how it is important in every aspect of our life.

Minimalism does not only teach us to remove things from our room; it is about removing the unnecessary time-wasting tools, unnecessary energy-killing sources, and so on. We somehow became dependent on many unnecessary things in this very busy worldly life.

Many of us nowadays do show-offs with unnecessary things. We can not pursue true happiness by having more and more. We may get some emotional highs for a short time, but eventually, it does not make us happy nor give us self-fulfillment.

If you think you have been messed up in life with so many things to do and your life is full of unimportant things, then this book about Japanese minimalism technic may help you. I recommend you read this book to get a clearer idea about minimalism.

My Opinion About Goodbye, Things

Minimalism is not only just removing unwanted things from your room or house. Minimalism is a method to relive your life with limited resources. It is a method to live a happy and self-contentment life. Minimalism can not only open up more space in your house but also enrich your life with peace.

If you truly understand the method and the process. The book Goodbye, Things: The New Japanese Minimalism can be a beneficial tool to understand minimalism. Now let’s see some reviews and ratings about the book. This book got 3.79 ratings in Goodreads out of 5.

In Audible.Com, the book got 4.5-star ratings. This is a decent score and an indication of a good book. If I could explain more profound about the book, please comment in the following as an appreciation. If you are interested in reading more articles like this, you can read about The Courage To Be Disliked.

Lincoln Adkins
Hi, I'm Lincoln. I'm a student and a content writer. I have a lot of interest in Japanese tradition and history. So, whenever I learn something new about Japan; I try my best to share that with you. I Hope, any mistakes are forgivable!

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